What is the Aquarius Man's Ideal Woman?

He’s a mystery, wouldn’t you agree? And it’s no wonder that his idea of the ideal woman is shrouded in mystery too. The problem with the Aquarius man is that he never says what he means. He always says the opposite of how he truly feels. So how is anyone supposed to know what’s going on in this guy’s head? It’s not like he always says the opposite of what he means. Sometimes he might tell you directly what he wants, sometimes not. How do you know the difference? Well, you can’t. But you can rely on astrology to guide you through the mysteries of his heart and understand the personality and psychology of the man born under the Aquarius Zodiac sign better.
I’m not saying I can tell you exactly what’s going on in his head. But you will get a pretty good idea of what the Aquarius man's ideal woman is!
What does an Aquarius Man Look for in a Woman?
Compatibility with this man is extremely important. That is something we will talk more about later. For now, let’s look at how to read an Aquarius man to know what he wants in a woman.
Wit and humor will get you the Aquarius male’s attention. If you know him well, you know he is a pretty witty guy. He might be friends with all kinds of people. But he treasures his friends who have a strong wit and are humorous. Having these qualities will certainly get you in his good book.
Some popularity in your social circle will certainly help. He is a human after all. And a human who gets attracted to shiny objects quite easily. But he wouldn’t care for someone who is known to be anything but extremely cool.
Have the guts to call out his bullshit. He’s not looking for a meek sheep. He likes to be challenged. But don’t go around challenging him just to get his attention. He doesn’t like people who trouble him for no reason.
Optimism, ambition and a free-spirit will always seduce him. There is a reason why most Sagittarians and Aquarians end up together. Both of them value these three qualities above everything else. The Aquarius guy is no fan of uptight, rule followers.
Aquarius man likes and dislikes in a woman
He might not seem like a picky guy. And he isn’t. But there are some things that an Aquarius man needs in a woman.
For example, he likes independent women. He isn’t the kind of man who would want to control every aspect of your life. Nor does he want you to control his. Naturally, he expects you to be independent and not cling to him for the smallest of needs.
A smart woman will always be in his good books. Ignorant people are like poison for him. He cannot be around them even if his life depended on it. It is highly recommended that you keep your wits about yourself when trying to impress this guy.
A fun-loving, optimistic person will go a long way with him. The Aquarius man loves to have people around him who keep him positive. He cannot bear pessimistic people. Or those who make an issue out of even the smallest of things.
Now, let’s look at the things he dislikes in a woman.
He cannot tolerate needy and clingy people. The Aquarius male cannot be a slave to someone’s whims and fancies. He will always be there to help his loved ones. But not people who can’t do anything on their own. What does he hate more than that?
He cannot stand unpredictable and emotionally volatile people. He needs to know to a certain degree how you will respond to things. This is the only way for him to feel comfortable around you. If he can’t, he won’t stay for long.
The Aquarius guy hates aggressive people. If you are one of those who can’t stay for 5 minutes without a fight, you will never be in his good books. Being romantically interested in people like that is a far dream. He can’t even be friends with people like that.
What do Aquarius men like in bed?
If there is one thing that isn’t a mystery, it’s what an Aquarius man likes in bed. Here are some things for you to know on how do you turn an Aquarius man on sexually.
He loves the energy and can get wild. Slow and sweet love-making isn’t his go-to style. Most of the time he likes the pace to be strong and wild. If you want to arouse an Aquarius man, you will have to keep up.
The key is to read his moods in advance. Much like the Scorpio man a lot of his needs depend on his mood. If the Aquarius guy seems aloof, it is best to give him some space.
Power up your foreplay skills. The Aquarius male is no different than other men when it comes to foreplay. He too loves it. So, if you want to nail this man down, make sure you make him vulnerable with foreplay.
Have fun with him. He doesn’t want a break-free session of intense passion. Maybe stop in between and tickle him a little just to see a spark in his eyes. Make it an exciting experience.
What does an Aquarius man like in women of different Zodiac signs?
Why is Aquarius so attracted to Aries?
It wouldn’t be inaccurate to call Aquarius man and Aries woman soulmates. The compatibility between these two zodiac signs is magical. They both offer each other the freedom and passion that they desire from their life partners. So, no wonder they have a strong understanding of each other, mentally and emotionally.
Can an Aquarius man fall in love with a Taurus woman?
Or one might ask, is an Aquarius and a Taurus compatible? Sadly, the answer that astrology gives isn’t very reassuring. However, the ruling planets of these two zodiac signs have a unique connection that brings them together. They are both outcasts of sorts and understand each other like no other. The couple which is willing to work can achieve the most amazing relationship.
Are Gemini and Aquarius a good match?
Can a Gemini woman fall in love with an Aquarius man? Absolutely. Why is Gemini attracted to Aquarius? Because no other zodiac has the guts to follow the grandiose ideas of the Gemini. This truly is a combination of soulmates. The Aquarius man is enamored by the Gemini’s quick wit, flamboyant social life, and larger than life ideas.
Are Aquarius man and Cancer woman compatible?
The emotional distance between this couple often comes in the way of their happiness. However, if both of them approach the relationship with their compassionate hearts, they can build a beautiful future together.
Are Aquarius and Leo a good match?
Can an Aquarius man fall in love with a Leo woman? Certainly. Are Aquarius and Leo soulmates? That might be a stretch. But one thing is certain. Aquarius gets along really well with the fire signs. To the Aquarius man, the Leo female is an enigma. He will always be attracted to the mystery that she is and usually this attraction lasts for a lifetime.
Are Aquarius man and Virgo woman compatible?
The air signs don’t usually interact well with the earth signs. That is what can be seen with the airy Aquarius and earthy Virgo too. There is a lot of difference and friction between these two zodiacs. However, if they use their rationality and communication, they can achieve great things together.
Are Aquarius and Libra a good match?
These two air elemental signs should ideally get along very well. if not for the friction between their sun signs they would have been perfect soulmates. Yet, the Aquarius cherish the romantic and just nature of their Libra partners. When both of them put an effort, they build a wonderful life together.
Are Aquarius man and Scorpio woman compatible?
The jury is still out on whether these two signs are compatible or not. But one thing is for certain, the Aquarius man gets the most affection from the Scorpio woman. In most cases, this is enough to keep the two of them together.
Are a Sagittarius and Aquarius a good match?
Is someone looking for a soulmate? Here’s where you can find one. The Sagittarius woman and Aquarius man are perfect for each other. They are both free-spirited, intellectuals who know how to have a good time. They have similar philosophies towards life and usually find great comfort in each other’s presence.
Why are Capricorns attracted to Aquarius?
It is very difficult for these two signs to get attracted to each other. Their personalities are poles apart. But their ambitious and creative nature often brings them together. Capricorn sees this quality in Aquarius as a boon for their careers. And this mutually beneficial relationship grows stronger with respect.
Can Aquarius and Aquarius be together?
Is two Aquarius a good match? The sign which is known to be the ‘zodiac of divorces’. How can it get along with someone just like them? Well, when the stars are aligned right, the Aquarius man will find an Aquarius woman who understands him like no one else.
Can Aquarius and Pisces be soulmates?
It is difficult for these two to understand each other’s personality. However, the Pisces tries their best to get along with the Aquarius. The Aquarius sign exalts Neptune, the ruler of Pisces, and this gives them a strong bond across the planet of all magic. So, the next time you see an Aquarius and Pisces together, know that there is magic in the air.

Maria Alifa
Astrologer for 15 years, I have been writing about Zodiac signs, their personalities, their psychology, their relationships, their passionate loves and their compatibility in love.