10 Things an Aquarius man Likes and Dislikes in a Woman

Aquarius men are eccentric and independent. They are obsessed about their life goals and want to stand out in the crowd with their unique ideas and plans. What is the ideal woman for an Aquarius man? What are the qualities an Aquarius man looks for in a woman? What personality traits will make him fall in love? What kind of woman will attract him?
Here is a list of 10 things an Aquarius man likes and dislikes in a woman!
1. He loves boldness
Aquarius men love women who are dating and ready to take risks just like the way they are built. He seeks adventure in his relationships and therefore, he expects someone to show the genuine traits of a person who can stand up for a cause and fight for rights. Basically, he needs a partner in crime, a true friend before a lover. It's important that he feels confident about the internal makeup so as to fall in love with a woman.
2. He wants selfless efforts
He is a man who would dedicate himself to the betterment of the world no matter the cost he has to pay for such radical behavior. He is a true rebel and hence, is looking for a strong woman who can support him genuinely and relate herself to things that mean the most to him. He wants a friend who can inspire him. A pure heart that's ready to take on challenges with him to make people's lives meaningful will be extremely likeable to the Aquarius man.
3. He admires women who can communicate
Aquarius is an intellectual sign. He won't settle for the average. They are great communicators. Although initially they may seem cold and distant, once you get to know them, you'll be impressed by their understanding of the world and their reasoning abilities. They look for logic and if you can put forward your opinions and values impartially he will look up to you and keep you close.
4. He dislikes dependency
A dull boring woman who is clingy can turn off the Aquarius man in no time. He wants to be free and detached. He has major goals in life and couldn't care less about what the world thinks of him. Aquarius needs a self-assured and self-motivated woman who can take charge of her life and does not suck away his energy in fulfilling her dreams. He truly values strong women who are decisive and chalk their own paths.
5. He likes a sexually experimental-friendly woman
Sex is wild and uninhibited with the Aquarius man. He needs to feel an intense sexual tension towards his potential mate to keep the fire burning. He is kinky and his fantasies are unique. He'll be searching for a woman who can keep up with his dirty thoughts and engage with him fearlessly. He wants to be trusted and loved blindly. So, while he may seem aloof or undependable on the outside, he desires to establish a passionate connection with the woman he wants to court or enjoy single-hood.
6. He hates predictability in love
He needs to feel the roller coaster ride during the courtship. If love becomes a routine or fails to excite him, he will surely lose interest soon. Be creative in your expressions and keep it light and fun when he is around or he'll feel trapped. Keep the chase and make him desire you. Stop being too available for the Aquarius man. He need not know about every move that you make or give him pleasurable surprises that he could never guess.
7. He values honesty and openness
It's good to be really fair and real when dealing with the Aquarius man. He understands people well and if you try to make him a fool, he'll find out soon. He is always observing you and making sure you are transparent and trustworthy. While he loves the glam and glitter, he would really want someone of substance and charisma. He wants to be charmed not cheated. So, let him know what you expect in the partnership and make sure you deliver his expectations.
8. He hates conforming to rules
If you are a dominating personality and expect your Aquarius man to follow your lead, it's a wrong move. He has his values and principles intact and won't abide by the regular rules and conventions that he cannot relate to. Let him decide his perspectives on life and avoid clouding his judgements because it would only end up frustrating him and widen the distance between you. So, never force him to follow you and respect his outlook or reasoning rather than attacking it.
9. He dislikes intrusion into his private space
He is a private person. Though he may have a vibrant social life and thrive on a variety of ideas from experiences, he likes to maintain a strict guard over his personal space. He trusts his friends and family. But he is a highly confident person who worships his work and is committed to his responsibilities. Leave him to himself from time to time so that he can unwind and relax. It's important for the Aquarius man to feel unburdened or he'll seek for means to escape.
10. He is impressed by commitment to self
Have a life of your own no matter how great the relationship with an Aquarius man is. He would love a woman who is herself engaged in productive activities and has dreams to fulfill. He is inclined towards women who have ambitions and can take the initiative to improve themselves. Stop wasting your time expecting him to be there at your beck and call because he is no slave to anyone's whims and fancies.

Maria Alifa
Astrologer for 15 years, I have been writing about Zodiac signs, their personalities, their psychology, their relationships, their passionate loves and their compatibility in love.