12 Best Ways to Attract a Scorpio Man! (+ my Secret Tips!)

Scorpio men are hypnotically charming and addictive when they give their heart away. Keeping your Scorpio guy hooked on to you means that you'll need to enhance your sex appeal and ensure stability. You want to know how to attract a Scorpio man? What should you know about the Scorpio man's personality in love and his psychology? What does he look for in a woman? How to act and behave with the Scorpio man to impress him, seduce him and make him fall in love with you like crazy?
Here are the 12 best ways to make a Scorpio man obsessed with you and keep him hooked!
1. Compliment sincerely to get a Scorpio man's attention
Always be sincere around a Scorpio man if you wish to impress him. Mere flattery will not go a long way because his intuitive capacity helps him see through a person's true intentions quite easily. Notice the littlest details about him and shower him with praise when you find the right opportunity. Your Scorpio male will love to hear about him, especially when he has a crush on you and wants to be your hero.
2. Dress elegantly to impress him
The Scorpio man expects his ideal woman to be classy and graceful. Therefore, a vulgar display of skin may not be quite his style. Wear clothing that accentuate your curves or your best assets but never rely on full exposure because he also has a tendency to get jealous when his partner draws unnecessary attention.
3. Flirt with him and seduce him
Stay mysterious, pique his interest and play the seduction game to make your Scorpio man go crazy for you. Sexting or dirty talking is also a great way to hold a Scorpio man's attention. If you can build anticipation and deliver or execute your actions during the act he would always look forward to being around you. Whispering sweet things in his ears or dropping sexy notes or letters will make him miss you throughout the day.
4. Being passionate attracts Scorpio men
The man born under the Scorpio Zodiac sign loves building sexual tension around someone he feels drawn towards. He wants to build chemistry and share an incredible romantic relationship with his lover. In order to attract the Scorpio man and conquer his heart, be touchy with him. Entice him with creative sexual acts so that his interest in you grows and he finds it difficult to keep his hands off you.
5. Be the trustworthy woman he looks for
Trust and understanding are key to winning the heart of the Scorpio man. Unless he feels safe around someone, he would keep a distance or build high walls. The Scorpio man is jealous, suspicious and highly sensitive. He needs his date to respect his boundaries unless he feels secure enough to share his past experiences or concerns. So, be patient around him and slowly comfort him to make yourself reliable in his eyes.
6. Communicate intelligently to attract a Scorpio man through text
The Scorpio man is knowledgeable and gifted with smartness. He wants a woman of substance to pursue a long term relationship. He finds it sexy when his partner speaks his language fluently and can keep up with him. He may not be talkative but he needs someone to be speaking with confidence and authority in order to hold a decent conversation.
7. Do not text him first to make him miss you
Sending him long messages or intruding into his private space without his approval can cause him to be turned off. Be selectively available in the early phase of dating a Scorpio man so that he feels the need to chase you and woo you with his charisma and charm. He is a dominating persona and this further makes it imperative to let him take charge if he feels a connection and go with the flow.
8. Respect his space in early stages of dating
Be cautious and mindful of what you ask of him because the Scorpio native will observe you closely in the initial days. Being aggressive around him will always backfire for he hates being pushed or ordered to be a certain way. He is a man of his own whims so being courteous and polite would be expected from a woman he wants to spend his life with.
9. Be confident in yourself make him chase you
Being secure and confident goes a long way. Stay assertive and clarify your needs and boundaries to him. He needs to know your perspectives and goals in life so putting them across in a respectful manner is highly appreciated by the Scorpio male. Be tactful how you position your thoughts as he could become judgemental right away if you appear confused or lacking direction.
10. Stay loyal to make the Scorpio man obsessed with you
Be honest about who you are and about your needs with the Scorpio man. Be firm in your decisions. If you want sex, make it clear. If you are looking for a stable relationship, communicate without inhibitions. If you are lacking clarity and are looking for an open relationship at the moment, let him know. Building the space to speak your mind with him is healthy. Truth could be bitter but he'll find it easier to accept you for who you are.
11. Be mysterious to win the heart of a Scorpio man
Scorpio men are dark, secretive and mysterious. The Scorpio guy loves playfulness and healthy flirting. It's good to reveal details about yourself slowly or he could lose the motivation to pursue you. However, never lie to him in the name of mystery or keep vital information hidden for years as this could make him feel cheated or betrayed. Just share enough to pique his interest but keep your focus on him rather than multiple suitors.
12. Focus on your growth to keep him interested
While he could be the center of your universe, losing focus of your goals can make you appear less attractive to the Scorpio man who loves ambitious women. Keep yourself busy, this will help you discuss a variety of issues. Stagnancy or monotony is the number one killer. So, pursue hobbies or classes and chase your dreams while you try to seduce your Scorpio man and make him happy in the relationship, and who knows get him marry you some day!

Maria Alifa
Astrologer for 15 years, I have been writing about Zodiac signs, their personalities, their psychology, their relationships, their passionate loves and their compatibility in love.