Dating a Capricorn Woman: 7 Tips to Conquer her Heart!

Dating a Capricorn Woman: 7 Tips to Conquer her Heart!


Ruled by the task-master Saturn, your earthy Capricorn woman represented by the sea-goat is a reserved personality who values an organized lifestyle. She is authoritative and craves for order and steadiness in her life. Are you in love with a Capricorn woman and want to know how to attract her? What kind of man does the Capricorn woman look for? How does she express love and behave when she has feelings for a man? What are the secrets of her heart?

Here are 7 tips from astrology that will help you if you are dating a Capricorn woman and want to win her heart!

1. Stability

The Capricorn woman is represented by the earth element. She is pretty stiff and demanding about most aspects of life. This points to their inherent need for stability and predictability. She values the idea of routine and sudden shifts away from per-ordained plans scares her away. It is quite disturbing to the Capricorn woman to date a man who fails to honor his words. She needs someone patient who can instill in her the confidence to trust and lean on. Unless there is a promise of a relationship that culminates into marriage, she may choose to avoid an investment of her time. To win over her, be decisive and make concrete plans when she is involved. Failure to look through the details of an idea or action will backfire with a Capricorn woman who wants her partner to be informed and grounded.

2. Financial security

Capricorn women are generally hard working, leaving no stone unturned to spiral to the top of the ladder of success. Call her materialistic but she places high worth in talent that yields good monetary benefits. Financial independence is fundamental to a Capricorn woman. She can take care of herself and being able to provide for her close ones adds to her sense of pride. She is quite active and energetically pursues her goals with no time to slack. She is also prone to burning herself on both ends in her tireless efforts to bring material order in her life. Frivolous spending isn’t her style. If you wish to woo your Capricorn woman, make sure you have a job or venture of your own that keeps you busy. She wants her man to be ambitious and responsible with his life. So, if you are whiling away the hours with no plans to seriously insure your future, she may not really fall for you.

3. Loyalty

The Capricorn woman is a fan of monogamy. She has strong ethics, whether at work or outside. Even during the initial days, it is difficult for her to jump between multiple options because she prefers to be honest in matters of the heart. If you wish to charm everyone or have a tendency to philander, the Capricorn woman will be hard to impress. Quite a low-maintenance woman, she usually sets average standards for the man she covets. But she desires a heart of gold that loves her deeply. Once she has decided, she will put in all her energy to reach her destination. Be there for her and with her through thick and thin. Prioritize her and build her faith in you little by little. Unless she is absolutely sure about what she means to you, she may never express her feelings for you.

4. Caring

Highly compassionate when in love, she is one of the most refined women you could ever date.The sea-goat woman is usually packed in her daily schedule and depending on her stage of career, she might be overburdened with work more often than not. Someone compassionate who takes note of her likes and dislikes, patiently listens to her while she vents out her frustrations will have a special place in her life. She is quite an achiever at her workplace and if she fails to see any worth in her job, she will undeniably be quite dissatisfied with herself. Her bossy attitude may not go well with most people. If a man is willing to let her dominance take over and work towards bringing balance, peace and happiness in her life instead, she will be floored.

5. Appreciate her

The Capricorn woman is quite consumed in her endeavors to spend any amount of time vying for people’s attention. When in love, it is important for her man to understand that behind the hard exterior lies an immensely soft core that does crave appreciation and love in words and gestures. She really puts her own needs and desires in the back burner just to bring forth happiness in the lives of others. Quite rational in her outlook, she has a hard time expressing her emotional needs. Reciprocate her passion physically. She will literally place you on a pedestal if you are equally invested in her in the bedroom too. An ideal lover for the Capricorn woman would diligently work towards discerning all that she shies away from and fulfill her dreams without making much noise about it.

6. Introduce her to your family

To a Capricorn woman family is the first priority. She understands the value of keeping her people close. When you respect who she is and show no fear in proudly claiming her before all those who matter to you, it will warm her heart. Even if your Capricorn woman has harbored the slightest emotions for you, she would have already shared stories about you to her family. When you introduce her to your kith and kin, she will feel proud and confide in you strongly. Home is truly where her heart is. Give her the assurance that you see a future together and share your hopes and dreams with her. But make sure both are on the same page about taking the relationship to the next level and she is prepared to make the relationship public.

7. Keep ego at bay

If you are stubborn and your life has no room for compromise, it is absolutely impossible to let a relationship blossom with the Capricorn female. Stubborn about how things are meant to be, she likes to be in control of her life. If you are trying to compete with her, it may never end well. She has well set rules that are followed with due diligence and hence, any form of disruption to her lifestyle will dissatisfy her. Understand that she isn’t really emotionless as appears on the surface and with much care she will open up. Emotions are difficult for a Capricorn woman to acknowledge but if you are patient, her tenderness might as well come to the fore. Display openness in resolving your issues and a magical bond could be birthed in your reality.


Maria Alifa

Maria Alifa


Astrologer for 15 years, I have been writing about Zodiac signs, their personalities, their psychology, their relationships, their passionate loves and their compatibility in love.