12 Ways to get an Aquarius Woman to Chase you

Symbolized by the water-bearer but ruled by air, the Aquarius woman is strong and independent. She is magnetically drawn to someone who stands out in the crowd. What does it take to attract an Aquarius woman? What does she look for in a man? How to make an Aquarius female fall in love with you madly? What makes her desire you?
Astrology has a few secrets to reveal about this woman's heart, her behavior and psychology. Here are 12 surefire ways to make an Aquarius woman chase you and fall in love with you like crazy!
1. Make her laugh
The woman born under the Aquarius Zodiac sign is a fun-loving person, especially around those who know her well. She is high-spirited just like her fellow air signs, Libra and Gemini. She loves to enjoy her moments without the heaviness of stress and overwork. If you want the Aquarius woman to chase you, put in efforts to make her happy. If she has had a shaky past, the chances of her being closed off to emotions is well obvious. If you could lighten her heart and make her see life beyond the gloom, you could become her favorite in no time.
2. Support her dreams
The water-bearer woman is a visionary. She has ideas up her sleeve that very few could come up with. She is an asset to someone who understands the value of her intelligence. Even if you disagree with her romanticized ideas that seem too hard to be brought to fruition, support her. There are few who could see through the kind of revolution she wishes to bring in this world. In a partner, she wants a co-traveler to her ideal world of fairness and humanism.
3. Don’t force her to conform
She is a wise woman who is so independent in her thoughts that trying to force her to stick to age old norms is a blunder you will regret. Being boxed in a lifestyle that doesn’t allow room for her to express herself freely pushes her away from the uniqueness that she brings into this world. If you wish that an Aquarius woman chases you, just let her be. The more she feels in tune with her true self, the more she craves for you.
4. Share her vision
She is a humanitarian. She is able to rationalize her thoughts with bare facts. She is willing to take all troubles to ensure everyone is served justice. Be her equal. If she is the one with the ideas, try to complement it being action-oriented. The ideal match of an Aquarius woman is a partner who can materialize her dreams. Respect her opinions rather than trashing them.
5. Stay loyal
She is a loyal woman. It takes time for her to be won over by a man. Her unpredictability may appear scary but when she commits, it is difficult to make her sway. She keeps her promises and expects her emotions to be treated with similar honor. Never lie for she is smart to read in between the lines. Make her feel that she is the only woman whom you desire. Unless she is absolutely sure, she isn’t the kinds to waste her time.
6. Keep open channels of communication
An intelligent conversationalist, this woman values a man who can speak his heart out to her. She loves a guy who sparks her interest with his openness. Even when there are conflicting thoughts, blurt them out rather than making mountains out of mole hills later. Though a fixed sign, the element of air makes her a fairly adaptive personality who loves to engage in healthy conversation where she feels safe to put forward her experiences and impulses.
7. Expand your knowledge
The true love match for an Aquarius woman is one who can floor her with his expanse and depth of knowledge. Give in to her child-like tendencies by being equally eager to stimulate her mind. While her attitude may be rigid, she has a humane outlook towards life. If you fail to be inspired, it may lead to a fallout as a result of a fragile ego. Stay flexible in your methods and this builds a strong foundation which will make your bond unique.
8. Trust her
You may find the Aquarius woman to be far more social than you are. Instead of being insecure about her friends and acquaintances, believe that she will stay true to her words. She hates to fall prey to sinister designs and loves to keep her relationships transparent. Give her the space she needs and she will solidify your partnership with unquestionable faith.
9. Be open to adventures
An Aquarius woman seeks a lover who loves to explore. Someone who loves to live life by his own rules and limitless quest for adventures that can keep the spark alive in the equation. No matter how weird, if you want a partner in crime, the Aquarius female would never fail to astonish you with her sportiness. Take her back to those days when creativity knew no bounds. Get her in touch with the madness she keeps hiding from the world.
10. Give with an open heart
Someone with open arms who doesn’t hesitate to give it his all will find a special place in her heart. She is a giver, a provider who is detached from all the outcomes of the fruits of her labor. Even when she is in need, you might rarely find her expressing her helplessness as she loves to protect her self- esteem at all costs. She is a woman of values that is wildly inhibited. Show her that you care without expectations. Have a compassionate heart that wants to make lives better other than being self-interested at the cost of others.
11. Experiment in bed
She doesn’t believe in taboos. She is always up for a passionately wild encounter. Unleash your creativity in the bedroom with this woman. She will show no qualms about trying out your wildest fantasies. There is no room for stagnancy with the Aquarius woman who believes in freedom of the highest order. If you have ever fancied outdoor sex or anything super freaky, introduce the idea and she will show no hesitation to engage passionately. She doesn't care about the world as long as you are all she wants.
12. Reciprocate the gestures
Warmly express what you feel. When she speaks to you about her fears, keep your guards off so that you can reciprocate with a sensitive heart. While she is indecisive and she seeks your direction, be her shoulder. The woman born under the Aquarius Zodiac sign isn’t a needy lover. She won’t cling to you and dump her needs on you. Stay proactive in learning about her likes and dislikes. Once she is attached to you, fan the flame with pure intentions. If you struggle to keep up with her, it will be difficult to sustain the bond.

Maria Alifa
Astrologer for 15 years, I have been writing about Zodiac signs, their personalities, their psychology, their relationships, their passionate loves and their compatibility in love.