10 Signs a Capricorn Man is Not Into You

Hardworking, confident and incredibly loyal, the Capricorn man is looking for a rock solid commitment. He is not interested in mindless flings and unproductive chatter. How do you know if the Capricorn man is not interested in you? If he doesn't like you more than a friend? If he's not in love? What can astrology reveal us about the Capricorn male, his personality and psychology?
Here are 10 signs that will tell you if a Capricorn man is not into you or has given up on the relationship.
1. He has been making work excuses
Highly mature and ambitious, the Capricorn man is a workaholic. You’ll be exhausted just hearing about his schedule for the day. He wants to have it all by his sheer hard work and intelligence. His is a story from rags to riches. His focus towards his career is razor-sharp. When the Capricorn man is in love, he faces difficulty making time for leisure. However, if he is determined to meet his lover and steal romantic moments with her, he’ll definitely find a way. If you find the Capricorn male making lame excuses for work or he is barely available for you, he is not that into you.
2. He does not talk of a future with you
Whatever he does is attached to a long-term plan. He is too invested in his career to fool around with casual dates. He’ll do everything in his control to ensure that his future isn’t jeopardized at any cost. When the Capricorn man has feelings for a woman, he is ideally planning to marry her. He would patiently test the waters before he makes the plunge. He is carefully scrutinizing every bit of her words or actions to conclude satisfactorily if she is his ideal mate. It is either a solid commitment or nothing at all. Unless the Capricorn man has assured you of a tomorrow, he hasn’t been won over.
3. He does not open up to you
The Capricorn man will face serious challenges in understanding or deciphering his true emotions. This does not mean he has no feelings at all. He does appear stone-hearted on the outside but if one is willing to invest her time and envelop him in love, he’ll slowly open up. His idea of a partnership is relatively more practical than the other signs. He wants intelligent communication, someone who can relate to his hectic lifestyle and still wait for him to come back home. If he has been miffed over your indecisiveness or any fishy motives, he is all guarded up planning for an immediate exit.
4. He avoids calls and texts
You would never count him in the category of those who chase and impress women with flowery speeches and cheesy compliments. He is simple, smart and straightforward. He would rather tell you what he wants as clearly as he can rather than play hide and seek to appear exclusive. Quite stubborn, he’ll only do as he pleases. When he secretly harbors feelings for someone, he may never drag conversations, but he’ll stay in touch. No mushy talks but he would keep a tab on your daily routine, your health and your safety. So, when he shows no interest in learning about your well being and expresses no desire to be in touch with you, he doesn't love you.
5. He is not awestruck by you
While he does not say it out loud, when the Capricorn man likes someone, he is almost spellbound. He either wants the best or nothing. He is looking for a woman who floors him with her passion for life and can persevere and motivate him to achieve success. He'll prove it in his gestures rather than hollow words that he admires you. Notice the way he looks at you, the way he’ll touch you and his protectiveness when you are out in public. He’ll subtly compliment you without making it too obvious and make slow moves to draw you close. If he doesn't seem mesmerized or drop hints at how much he adores you, he isn’t in for the long haul.
6. He takes no responsibilities
This earth sign of the Zodiac is born with a great sense of responsibility. He is the family guy that every woman would happily marry. Tough on the outside but equally soft once he breaks off his shell, the Capricorn man will accept his shortcomings, take the blame and make amends if he has to. He is looking at the sky but he is firmly rooted to his values and tradition. When he is crushing on you, he would happily take the burden off your shoulders. He’ll fulfill his duties and also take care of your needs. He is dependable and reliable. If you ever happen to come across a Capricorn man who steers clear of shouldering any responsibility for you, you may be the least bit of his concern.
7. He never makes sexual advances
There is a fiery sexual energy inside the man born under the Capricorn Zodiac sign. The sea goat is very patient between the sheets. He values consent and equality. He would never leave you halfway, always making sure that you are satisfied and content. Count on him to make love to you all night long because this earthy sign has a stellar libido worth all the appreciation. He is strong and his stamina will leave you dumbstruck. So, when he wants to arouse you, he’ll definitely make slow seductive moves. However, when the Capricorn man is dry, boring and lacks any initiative towards sex with you, he isn’t convinced of the chemistry you share or just doesn’t feel attracted to you.
8. He has never stood up for you
He is a protective guy. He would do anything to keep those he loves safe from any harm. He’ll take your side and defend you when nobody else believes in you. His love is slow to arrive but is definite for life. If he calls you family, you mean the most to him. He keeps his life free from mess but if he has ever shown the courage to fight for you, he is into you. When the Capricorn man is not in love with you, he’ll maintain a safe distance. He’ll simply mind his business and stay focused towards his priorities.
9. He hasn't reciprocated your love
If you have expressed your love for him and he has brushed it off consistently, he is reluctant to commit to a relationship. When the Capricorn guy ignores you and stubbornly refuses to admit any feelings towards you, his heart does not sing at the thought of you. He cannot guarantee his loyalty or surrender to you. He is sensitive on the inside but if he is rude or simply indifferent towards you, his devotion is hard to come by.
10. He isn't interested in your personal goals
This is the kind of man who wants to be of help to prove his love to a woman. If you are struggling with something, he’ll be like the angel who’ll magically take care of your nightmarish tasks. The true knight in a shining armor, he will love to be involved in your life goals. He’ll push you to dream big. He’ll find all solutions to your mundane jobs. However, if he doesn’t want to date you, he’ll seem terribly selfish and your biggest competitor. He’ll scare you off with his coldness and add no real value to your life.

Maria Alifa
Astrologer for 15 years, I have been writing about Zodiac signs, their personalities, their psychology, their relationships, their passionate loves and their compatibility in love.