What is the Zodiac Sign for November in Astrology?

The two Zodiac signs that fall in the month of November are Scorpio and Sagittarius. Discover what zodiac sign you are if your born in November, the horoscope, key facts, characteristics and personality traits of these sun signs of astrology.
Scorpio Zodiac Sign: October 23rd - November 21st
Date range: October 23rd to November 21st
Element: Water
Quality: Fixed
Symbol: Scorpion
Ruling Planet: Pluto
Key personality traits: Psychic, emotional, enigmatic, power-hungry, ambitious, brave
Strengths: Fearless, Independent, Curious, Authentic, Passionate, Intuitive, Empathetic
Weaknesses: Cold, Self-centered, Suspicious, Jealous, Obsessive
Top love match: Cancer
One astrological sign that could be lauded for its show of passion in whatever it undertakes is surely the Scorpio. Highly emotional, concealing it with a hard exterior, it is intuitive like its water sign counterparts, Cancer and Pisces. The men and women born under the Scorpio Zodiac sign will work hard silently, rarely showing their moves before they accomplish their goals. They are passionate lovers, a sign closely associated with sex. Born with a mysterious air, this water sign is sure to entice anyone they meet. They detest dishonesty in all forms and mistrust seems to dominate their characters when they meet new people. However, this sign is a secret keeper. They keep their friends close and enemies closer.
A Scorpio, male or female, is brave and determined, displaying leadership qualities wherever they go. This makes it easier for them to guide a crowd and make plenty of friends. Those whose date of birth fall in this Zodiac sign are very emotional but their mode of expression is different from that of other water signs. They are dedicated and passionate towards their partners when they decide to commit in a relationship. However, one should be wary of falling in the wrong foot with a Scorpion because they would strike hard without a warning. This astrological sign is goal oriented, and hence, capable task managers in an organization. They could be big in their egos and hence, command respect at all times.
Sagittarius Zodiac Sign: November 22nd - December 21st
Date range: November 22nd to December 21st
Element: Fire
Quality: Mutable
Symbol: Archer
Ruling Planet: Jupiter
Key personality traits: Leader, Fearless, Curious, Free- Spirited, Adventurous
Strengths: Generous, Adaptable, Giving, Honest, Trust-worthy, Smart
Weaknesses: Careless, Impatient, Easily distracted, Lacks commitment, Impulsive
Top love match: Aries
Those natives born between November 22nd to December 21st belong to the astrological sign of Sagittarius. Smooth conversationalists, they easily attract people and make new friends with their natural story-telling abilities. This Zodiac sign is high on life. They are adventurous with a deep-rooted love for freedom, innately seeking thrill in their explorations. Always ready to be on the move, in the company of a Sagittarius, there is no room for boredom.
The ones with their dates of birth in the sign of the Archer are quick to adapt and flexible in their ideas. Their conversations are laden with humor but if they aren’t careful, they could end up hurting people with their sharp tongues. Their hunger for knowledge can never be satiated, they are fueled by an incessant need for personal growth and spirituality. The energy of a Sagittarius, man or woman, is founded upon a love for fantasy and idealism. Quite the fickle mind, they have a hard time committing to something for a long time. If in a relationship, they will settle but if they face restrictions in their flow, they could divert their attention elsewhere.

Maria Alifa
Astrologer for 15 years, I have been writing about Zodiac signs, their personalities, their psychology, their relationships, their passionate loves and their compatibility in love.