12 Best Ways to Attract a Virgo Man! (+ my Secret Tips!)

Virgo men are introverted, hardworking, shy and usually reserved but they do like having fun with someone who has a good sense of humor. How to impress and attract a Virgo man? What does a Virgo man look for in a woman? How to win his heart and make you fall for you? How does he act and behave when he is in love?
Here are the 12 best ways to make a Virgo man obsessed with you and keep him hooked!
1. Compliment and thank sincerely to get a Virgo man's attention
The shy Virgo male does not scream for attention. But just like everyone else a sweet compliment can make him day. You could tell him the following lines to make him happy:
- "You look fabulous. I can barely take my eyes off you."
- "I admire your work skills. You are too good at your job."
- "How do you do that? Could you teach me as well?"
- "I love the way you speak. You have a gifted speech."
- "You are genuine and kind. Thank you, love!"
2. Dress elegantly to impress him
Virgo men would generally like dating women who dress modestly. They may not be appreciative of a woman who attracts unnecessary attention of the opposite sex. While visual appeal does have an impact on the Virgo man too, a gracefully dressed woman who exudes confidence and charm will attract him more. He is into fitness and would naturally be drawn towards a woman's waist and stomach area. So, accessorize these parts or a little show of it may be inviting.
3. Flirt with him and seduce him through texts
Being mysterious and witty is what you should remember when you message a Virgo man. He understands straightforward talks and logically backed conversations. He doesn't like cheesy texts or terribly sweet conversations that lack sincerity. He may never really initiate romantic conversations as he struggles to say the melt worthy lines and sweep a woman off her feet. Flirt with him with smart comebacks or subtle sexual hints in between will do the trick.
4. Being positive attracts Virgo men
The men born under the Virgo Zodiac sign are too hard on themselves. They have immense expectations both from themselves and their partner. They may often get sick and tired of a hard day at work because routine does exhaust them too even though they may not openly confess it. Work is worship for Virgos and those days they feel demotivated is when you must jump in and surprise them with thoughtful gifts or get creative with a date night that relaxes them.
5. Be the trustworthy woman he looks for
Virgo men value relationships. They need to feel secure around the person they give their heart to. They may never do sneaky stuff to keep a check on their partner but once they are done with a lover, it's a lost deal forever. So, stay loyal and devoted to your Virgo man if you need him to sustain the relationship with sincerity and care.
6. Communicate intelligently to attract a Virgo man
Mercury ruled Virgo man is high on intellect. They are quite sharp witted and have a good sense of humor too. They are avid readers and pay attention to details, even in speech for that matter. Its not surprising to find Virgos correcting your grammar or sentence construction as they are finicky. So, make sure you present your thoughts coherently to make your communication understood by the Virgo man.
7. Be unavailable to make him miss you
He may have a habit of taking his love life for granted as he could get busy with his work and finances. It's okay to just get lost and take a break if routine sets into your love life with the Virgo man. He can be too demanding in relationships and critical of your conduct. This might require you to stay aloof for a bit so that he misses you and learns to value the person that you are.
8. Take interest in his work in early stages of dating
A Virgo male's typical day may be all about work and no play. They are too attached to what they do because of their need for perfection. They are hardworking and believe that active service to mankind is all they are here for. So, appreciate the work that they do and never criticize their decisions as they are too sensitive individuals. Be kind to him and always wish him a good day before he heads out to work.
9. Be confident in yourself make him chase you
To make the Virgo man woo you and come back to you for more, you need to create an image that makes him feel that you are irreplaceable. A dull persona who does not infuse liveliness when in his company can make him lose interest easily. Be secure in who you are and leave the self doubt outside or the sensitive Virgo man may pick the vibes and lose his admiration for you.
10. Value his ideals to make the Virgo man obsessed with you
The Virgo man is particular about his beliefs. He seldom likes being challenged for his ideas or intentions. He has a strong moral compass and could be easily annoyed when he deals with liars or boastful people with no real intentions of loving him. So, never brag about yourself before him or project your over confidence and pride if you wish to keep the Virgo man in your life.
11. Be dependable to win the heart of a Virgo man
If a Virgo man is convinced that he cannot rely on you he will never consider you a long-term potential partner. If you take pride in your spontaneity and wildness, it might scare him off. Keep your promises to gain his confidence by standing true to your words. Be there for him and support him to make your Virgo man go crazy about you. Respect him and make efforts to make him feel special.
12. Take care of yourself to keep him interested
Make sure you pay attention to grooming yourself as an unhygienic or unorganized lifestyle can push a Virgo man away. He is too picky and unless his standards are met, he may not settle. Virgo man takes care of himself as his Zodiac sign represents health and healing. He understands the importance of taking care of the body and maintaining healthy habits. So, stay neat and clean at all times and smell good to hold his attention for long.

Maria Alifa
Astrologer for 15 years, I have been writing about Zodiac signs, their personalities, their psychology, their relationships, their passionate loves and their compatibility in love.